Tips That Identify Authentic Leaders From the Rest

Tips That Identify Authentic Leaders From the Rest

What distinguishes Authentic Leaders versus The Rest (Bosses, Autocrats, and Tyrants, etc.)? Here are a couple of things that stand out….


  • Leaders are credible – they actually know their business – The Rest only assume they know.
  • Leaders focus on the why and the how – The Rest focus only on the what
  • Leaders care first about their people – The Rest care first about the results those people generate
  • Leaders stay in the game but let the players play – The Rest try to dictate the game and worry only about the score
  • Leaders earn trust by giving it freely – The Rest lose trust because they don’t offer it
  • Leaders are committed to a vision of what can be – The Rest are focused only on where we are now
  • Leaders understand the power of “we” – The Rest are focused on the power of “me”
  • Leaders recognize their position can only be earned – The Rest depend on a company title
  • Leaders affect the heart and the head – The Rest affect only the hands and the feet
  • Leaders help make us better – The Rest say only “you better…”
  • Leaders freely extend credit and praise – The Rest demand credit and praise
  • Leaders search for solutions – The Rest search for blame
  • Leaders build people equity – The Rest simply spend it
  • Leaders influence and support – The Rest command and compel
  • Leaders develop more leaders – The Rest often extinguish them
  • Leaders are respected – The Rest are either feared or despised.
  • Leaders have your back – The Rest are on your back


Most companies can boast of very few authentic leaders.  In some cases it may be because they haven’t taken the time to decide what a real one looks like.





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