Lessons My Grandson Taught Me

Lessons My Grandson Taught Me

My grandson turned 2 recently.


The baby is gone – replaced by a toddler with infinite energy, boundless curiosity, and an eagerness to experience everything the world has to offer.


Our annual family vacation to the beach has just come to an end.


There is a stretch of shore in South Carolina where every sea gull has likely been traumatized by a blonde haired boy intent on chasing them and the configuration of at least some of the sand dunes has been forever changed by a plastic shovel wielded by an expert in his craft.


The picture you see was taken by our youngest son – Uncle David catching his nephew Cooper in a rare moment of what seems like deep reflection.


Or maybe he had simply grown tired of charging into the waves.


The quote by Charles Bukowski was added by our oldest – Brandon seems to have captured the essence of that photograph of his son better than anything I can come up with.


The words speak for themselves.


I hope our sweet Cooper forges a path of his own choosing – not one dictated for him.


He has a head start that so many don’t enjoy – a loving family, a healthy home, food to eat, a warm place to sleep.


It’s amazing how – as we grow older – we sometimes gain greater insight into the most important elements of life.


Maybe it’s because we actually take more time to look for them.


When I was 25 I looked at the world and wondered, “What can I accomplish?”


When I was 50 I looked at the world and asked, “What have I accomplished?”


When I was 60 I looked at the world and the world looked back at me and said, “Stop asking so many questions. The answers are right there with you.”


We each have a legacy to write – even little Cooper. I hope his is one that speaks to matters of real importance – the values he believes in – the contributions he makes to others – the family he builds.


Along the way I hope Coco (his name for my wife) and Pop (my official title) might be able to help. (Yes, we know that makes us Coco Pop – and we’re good with that.)


The seas of the eastern Atlantic are stormy today. Our prayers go out to those in the path of Hurricane Dorian.


There is some small measure of good news though – at least for a quarter mile stretch of beach in Beaufort County, South Carolina.


The first storm – Hurricane Cooper – has safely departed.


I hope the sea gulls find Dorian easier to navigate.



















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