So Let It Be Said, So Let It Be Written

So Let It Be Said, So Let It Be Written

I invest a fair amount of time in the coaching arena.


Here’s a hot topic – and it’s growing even hotter.


It usually begins with something like this ….. “I’ve made a few mistakes in the past when it comes to the companies I’ve gone to work for…and more often than not it’s because of the leadership there. How do I make sure I don’t repeat the same missteps moving forward?”


Or this…. “I just don’t know about my manager (or insert leadership team, executive board, etc. here).  Any thoughts about what I should be thinking about?”


You get the picture.


Which inevitably leads to our Leader’s Essentials discussion.  It’s been forged from decades in industry – something I quietly encourage a great many people to consider – whether they are contemplating a move – or simply trying to survive where they are.


It’s based on this essential truth – the person you report to will be your single greatest (external) determinant of job satisfaction. 


You can take that to the bank.


So how do we find that elite breed of leader?


Here’s a pretty good starting point …. ten characteristics that actually matter:


  1. They are credible – which means they understand the business and how that business works. Credible leaders are more than just efficient – they are effective. They can make good decisions.  They are organized.
  2. They can help make you better – which means they aren’t micro-managers but can support you, coach you, and offer you a sense of affirmation.
  3. They can actually listen – which means all communication isn’t simply one way. Great leaders aren’t just open to feedback – they thrive on it.
  4. They have a vision of “what can be” – which means they are capable of offering you a meaningful purpose beyond paycheck, stock options, and a 401K.
  5. They are fully invested in that future – which means their passion is contagious.
  6. They are likable – which means you can actually stand to be around them when you’re not on the company clock. (And yes, I know this is a somewhat controversial factor – but if I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that time is far too short to consort with people we can, at best, only tolerate.)
  7. They want to know what’s important to you – which means they seek to understand your aspirations, your goals, and your dreams – and then find a way to help you realize them.
  8. They embrace and build great teams – which means they purposefully craft a culture that can sustain you.
  9. They actually care about you – which means … well…just about everything.
  10. You can trust them – which means they also can trust you – the most important element of all.


Starting points – but important ones.


By design I have omitted standard competencies that generally populate most leadership treatises – that’s because this is written from the perspective of the employee, not just the company.  If I were writing this for the Board of Directors you could expect the standard list of suspects – strategic acumen, change leadership, critical thinking, etc.


But then again, most of us don’t go to the Board when we’re trying to connect with a supervisor – we go to our hearts.


It’s not easy to find a truly great leader – and it’s even more difficult to become one.


Maybe that’s because far too many of us fail to acknowledge that leadership is not a title – nor a position – it’s a mindset.


Which carries me back to the core question that always accompanies our discussion of the Leader’s Essentials. 


How would the people you touch everyday answer each of the above … about …. you?











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